Photographies and liberty

on the road again to the Highlands and Isle of Skye
Exhibited photographies at Phot'Expo Gisors in 2019

Introduction :

I always loved things marked by the time, both about the sheen of tree roots eroded by the sand, or about the colorful and corroded lovemaking of the rust and the paint on the old fishing ship, or for the play between the light and wind above the roads of Scotland

And this is now from that loved Scotland the photos I present you this year come. Perhaps one of the last wild land in Europe are this north part of the Scotland famously called Highlands which are a fantastic place where the life express its presence by wild life (seal, cervids, bird of prey, etc.) or not so wild (with famous Highlands cow and numerous sheep who graze quietly almost free through all the Highlands, crossing roads whenever they want), or by these landscapes which seems to never rest, by the clouds which continuously play with the mountains and light, the Glen and falls which water the Lochs and sea never too far around. These Highlands also are a hearty land, where the road rarely have more than a way but where everybody make an hand sign when meeting in « passing place » . All in all, a bracing place.

Have a nice visit !

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